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Course Overview
Truck Dispatching Course is an essential and must-to-do course if you ever plan to start and / or venture into trucking business in Canada or in the United States! Truck dispatching is not only about booking the loads but it primarily is about understanding and eventually managing an entire trucking business. Truck Dispatch Training is a very niché program that takes you through a wonderful journey of this amazing industry – Trucking! With this course you will learn type of trucks & trailers that haul all kind of freights nationwide and cross-border as well as other important information that can be critical for you to understand in order for to keep your trucks loaded all the time!
Learning Outcome
This course focuses upon all those trade secrets of trucking industry and dispatching trucks in Canada that has kept the economy of our nation ever-growing. Dispatching is the most crucial part of trucking industry in North America and learning truck dispatching is must for every trucking professional, even for a truck driver. Because once you learn how to book loads and dispatch your trucks, it helps you to understand trucking from its operations’ perspective too. After learning truck dispatching you understand what kind of efforts, complex planning, and strategies are put in place in order to book even a single, simple-looking load.
After completion of this course, you will be able to learn all those basic parameters about trucking in Canada that is considered as the critical information for one to venture into trucking in Canada. Moreover, this course not only focuses upon what trucking is but how to operate it successfully.
Understand what are the various types of trucks and trailers are deployed in shipping industry in Canada, navigation around various Canadian provinces, types of freight / load, understanding permits & authorities, negotiating & dealing with freight brokers, setting up with freight brokers, booking your first load, understanding confirmation orders, coordinating with the drivers, etc.
Dispatching is the most critical and responsible profile for any trucking company and by learning it, as a trucking entrepreneur, you get a better control over your business. Moreover, if you manage your dispatching smartly, you can actual decide your working hours and earning limits. So wait no more and enrol into this program today.