Course Overview
If you plan to start a small fleet company, let’s say with 2 or 3 trucks or even if you intend to start as an owner-operator (with 1 truck), dispatching your truck just across nationwide within Canada would get you a decent amount of monthly revenue.
For a Canadian trucking company, the Canada-wide loads are pretty much straightforward. You do not need any special authorities other than few basic provincial permits. Moreover, while doing loads that are picked up and delivered in Canada do not need the drivers to cross international borders, hence much less of a hassle.
However, If you are a Canadian carrier and have a fleet with 10 or more trucks then doing crossborder loads should be an option that must not be overlooked, since Canada-USA-Canada loads give more opportunities and offer better pricing too. That being said even as an owner-operator cross border loads pay better than the nationally-hauled loads.
Moreover booking and managing cross-border loads need a better training and planning. Sometimes the drivers have to wait for hours to get a simple entry# and get stuck at the border just because the dispatcher did not know how to manage the paperwork appropriately or did not know the custom broker’s details. Such little ignorance at one’s part can trouble a driver for hours and it is not just mental hassle but it can badly affects the driver’s schedule as well.
It is crucial and critical to understand minor details while doing cross-border dispatch since ignoring such minor details can lead to major roadblocks, and this course does focus upon these minor-looking yet very important aspects of dispatching.
Learning Outcome
For any trucking company based in Canada, it is important to not only dispatch trucks across the USA and Canada border (of course, in order to generate better revenue) but also to have a professional to make sure to have trucks loaded all the time. The crucial most part of crossborder dispatching is managing the border crossing of each and every truck on time. This must be taken care of much before the driver approaches the border, along with understanding drivers’ log hours so that the delivery of current load or pickup of next load can be managed smartly, else who knows your drivers will either be stuck at the border for hours or somewhere in States over a weekend.
This course specifically uncovers the significance of these minute details and focuses upon each & every module with a microscopic vision. The session flow has been planned in such a way that with every module of this course, you will be able to relate the previous session better with the next one.
A natural anatomical connection of each module makes this course an interesting journey and if you are an existing or aspiring trucking entrepreneur who intends to enjoy his / her journey of venturing into trucking business in Canada, undoubtedly, this is a must-to-do course for you.
A dispatcher is the one who manages and books the load for his trucks, but a smart dispatcher is the one who knows his driver’s log hours, next planned load, off duty and reset hours – just like the back of his hand. So do not focus upon becoming just a dispatcher but a smart one;
So wait no more and enrol into this program today and know to get your trucks loaded from the very beginning.